Скачать EXOTIUM - Episode 1 на Windows

Жанры: Инди
Дата выхода: 21.10.2020
42.00 RUB

Описание EXOTIUM - Episode 1

In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its technological and societal evolutions
are exponential.

This game series consisting of a season you must be through the eyes of Antoine Harris to a whole future universe of rich science fiction and composed of several stories from the past and the future.

Gameplay: The gameplay of EXOTIUM games is reduced to the strict minimum like a walking simulator, so don't expect to play an action game, you will play to discover the history of the characters, through their dialogue and some kinematics, and you will be able to understand the path that humanity took to get to where it is.

Duration: each episode lasts about 40 minutes like a television series.

Скриншоты EXOTIUM - Episode 1

Скриншот из EXOTIUM - Episode 1
Скриншот из EXOTIUM - Episode 1
Скриншот из EXOTIUM - Episode 1
Скриншот из EXOTIUM - Episode 1
Скриншот из EXOTIUM - Episode 1