Скачать Damascus Soundtrack на Windows, Mac, Linux

Дата выхода: 28.10.2020
102.00 RUB

Описание Damascus Soundtrack

This is a collection of music that is featured in the old-school MMO Damascus (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1259000/Damascus/).

The music of this game is an interested case as the tracks were originally written for a completely different project. However that project fell through but we did manage to re-appropriate some of the music for this release and luckily they fit perfectly.

Tracks 1 - 5 were written in 2019 and were available previously on my Bandcamp but have now been added to this OST along with tracks 6 and 7 which were written recently to coincide with an update for the game.

Hope you enjoy it and if you like the music be sure to check out the game.

Скриншоты Damascus Soundtrack

Скриншот из Damascus Soundtrack
Скриншот из Damascus Soundtrack
Скриншот из Damascus Soundtrack
Скриншот из Damascus Soundtrack
Скриншот из Damascus Soundtrack
Скриншот из Damascus Soundtrack
Скриншот из Damascus Soundtrack
Скриншот из Damascus Soundtrack
Скриншот из Damascus Soundtrack