Скачать Dungeon Consultant на Windows

Жанры: Стратегии

Описание Dungeon Consultant

Have you ever been fighting minions in a dungeon and thought "Ugh, lava pits and spike traps in the same room? Really, a medieval torture chamber, with this lighting? Who is managing this place?" Well, you're in luck, because its your turn to do some serious dungeon renovations! Dungeon Consultant is a management game where you'll be tasked with taking under-performing dungeons and maximizing their potential by laying traps, training & staffing high quality minions, and ensuring a particularly frightening aesthetic.

Lay Tricky Traps

From spikes to disco balls, you'll need to carefully place traps to defeat those pesky "heroes" and steal their gold before they can steal yours!

Build Backstage Rooms

To help keep your dungeons running, and to help "heroes" depart with their gold, you'll need to construct backstage rooms. Whether it's a new Minion Resources office, a Breakroom, or a Trap Workshop these rooms will help you manage the behind-the-scenes upkeep of your dungeons.

Hire (or fire!) Minions

Goblins, and ghosts, and golems; oh my! You'll need to hire minions to staff your backstage rooms, and defend your dungeon. When defending, your minions can be armed with the latest and greatest gear ...or whatever is lying around; you need to turn a profit, after all.


When you satisfy the requirements of the dreaded senior management, you'll be given new dungeons to make profitable. Every dungeon is unique, and will require a unique approach to make it the kind of dungeon nightmares are made of!

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