Скачать Super Keepy Ups на Windows

Дата выхода: 14.12.2018
30.00 RUB

Описание Super Keepy Ups

Super Keepy Ups is about one thing: keeping a ball in the air.

And fish.

Well it's not really about fish, but there are fish... And technically you need to keep the ball in the water rather than the air... And the ball isn't so much a ball as it is a bubble...

OK, let's try again.

Super Keepy Ups is about one thing: 1 bubble, 2 fish and an undisclosed number of gravity(s?)*.

Super Keepy Ups is the debut game from Infinite Beta Games; born out of a love of keepy ups and a nostalgia for 2 player keyboard-crowding classics such as the Commodore 64's CJ's Elephant Antics, and DOS's Jazz Jackrabbit 2. With a single player high score mode, a local 2 player co-operative high score mode, and a menu system that is truly part of the game itself rather than a clunky break in play, Super Keepy Ups has an addictiveness and fluidity that belies it's simplicity.

Grab a friend, or just grab yourself, and keep that ball from dropping! And remember, Super Keepy Ups is about one thing: getting the highest score you possibly can.

*Disclaimer: there is only one gravity in this game.

Oh, and thinking about it, I'm pretty sure the plural for gravity is graviti. Like Octopi.

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