Скачать Koliseum Soccer VR на Windows

Жанры: Спорт
Дата выхода: 07.12.2018

Описание Koliseum Soccer VR

Koliseum Soccer VR is the most epic game of table soccer in VR. Also called Babyfoot, Foosball or Kicker, it is one of the most iconical arcade game ever. We added some cool VR gameplay such as:

- Online matchmaking
- Online tournements
- Bonuses like the multiball, the goal shield, the spring ball and the famous Death ball
- Personalize your character with exclusive skins and animations

Play with your friends, level up, win skins and animations and train to become the World champion!

The game was shown to more than 7'000 beta players in real life. We improved the game to their feedbacks. It is now available on Steam for everyone to compete

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