Скачать Reveal на Windows

Дата выхода: 17.07.2018
210.00 RUB

Описание Reveal

In Reveal, you mainly create and destroy boxes to reach places. There are unique devices, lifts and fields to create challenge in puzzles. You have to come up with a strategy as well as use your skill to see the end.

As a God, you open your eyes to an unknown place and suddenly find yourself with the company of an assistant named Alre. He explains how you tasked yourself to solve puzzles and why you made yourself forget about it. As you progress, you start having doubts about the truth. Can you escape your past and enjoy the puzzles you created?


  • Unique puzzles.
  • Devices, lifts and fields in each puzzle.
  • Explore a story about your family, your past and you as a God.
  • Be in the story and choose your questions to ask your assistant.

Скриншоты Reveal

Скриншот из Reveal
Скриншот из Reveal
Скриншот из Reveal
Скриншот из Reveal
Скриншот из Reveal
Скриншот из Reveal
Скриншот из Reveal
Скриншот из Reveal
Скриншот из Reveal
Скриншот из Reveal