Дополнение Arcade Love OST для Arcade Love

Дата выхода: 19.06.2018
259.00 RUB

Описание Arcade Love OST

Contains all music tracks of the 3 three games, almost 50 tracks in totalrecorded by nearly 50 bgms by four composers familiar to Shmups fans!

- Composers information history -
Naoto (Shooting Love. Series, TRIZEAL, etc.)
Go Sato (Raiden Series, Viper Phase 1, etc.)
WASi 303 (Psyvariar series, Sanvein, etc.)
switchworks (Espgaluda)

Track list:
02 And, Arcade Love.
03 Game Select
04 History of universal cabinets

Action-game Skill Test:
06 AG main theme (60sec)
07 AG Tight (30sec)
08 AG Very thight (15sec)
09 Run!
10 Here comes a new challenger
11 Intro of The Oolong Tea
12 The Oolong Tea
13 Begin!!
14 Main theme of Mole
15 The End!!
16 Time of Dogeza
17 Result
18 Name entry
19 AG Game Over

20 Stage select
21 Main theme
22 Stage over
23 Boss
24 Boss stage clear
25 Here comes a new challenger
26 Eternal Traveler 2012
27 Game Over
28 Name enrty (1st)
29 Name entry other
30 Game over (all)

Shmups Skill Test:
31 Space Nice Bomb!
32 Shmups Skill Test #1
33 Shmups Skill Test #2
34 Shmups Skill Test 30sec
35 Nice Bomb!
36 Tank Rush!
37 8Bit buzzer
38 8bit start
39 8bit
40 8bit clear
41 8bit result
42 16bit buzzer
43 16bit start
44 16bit
45 Empty cans go to in the trash
46 Result
47 Name entry
48 Game Over

49 Theme of Syawatch!
50 Menu
51 Just Zeal Love (CombatZeal -Main Theme Vocal Arrange-)
52 Shmups Skill Test '8bit' -BLUE SCRATCH mix- [from Shooting Love Collection]
53 Shmups Skill Test #1 -Crazy Choir Remix- [from Shooting Love Collection]

Скриншоты Arcade Love OST

Скриншот из Arcade Love OST
Скриншот из Arcade Love OST
Скриншот из Arcade Love OST
Скриншот из Arcade Love OST
Скриншот из Arcade Love OST