Дополнение Perceptions of the Dead - Fan Pack для Perceptions of the Dead

Описание Perceptions of the Dead - Fan Pack
PotD Official Sound Track
The 15 songs found in Perceptions of the Dead in mp3 format. you can play them from the Steam Music player.01 - Banter
02 - Blood
03 - Broken
04 - Dusty
05 - Main Menu
06 - Night
07 - Panic
08 - Secrets
09 - Shadows
10 - Tears
11 - Tone
12 - Trip
13 - Tulip
14 - Uncertainty
15 - Ripley
Concept/Making of Art Book
The Fan Pack features an digital Art Book that is 15 pages long featuring sketches, concept art, and a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of Perceptions of the Dead.High Resolution Wallpapers
Various High-Resolution CGs and Backgrounds from the game.Accessing the Fan Pack
After purchasing and downloading the PotD Art Book, the OST will already be playable in the Steam Music Player. To access the rest of the files, go into Library > Perceptions of the Dead > Properties and find the "Browse Local Files" button. This will take you to the PotD game directory, which has the Fan Pack included in it.Скриншоты Perceptions of the Dead - Fan Pack
Скачать Perceptions of the Dead - Fan Pack бесплатно
Скачать Perceptions of the Dead - Fan Pack (ссылка 100% рабочая)(* для скачивания пробудьте на сайте более 30 секунд и нужно кое-что сделать, иначе ссылка не заработает. )