Дополнение Wars Across the World: Morat 1476 для Wars Across The World
Описание Wars Across the World: Morat 1476

Morat 1476 is the story of the ‘War of Burgundy’, with the attempts of Charles the Bold to capture the key Duchy of Lorraine and nearby lands, and keep it against hisr adversaries. His foes, the Swiss Confederation and its Imperial allies, must beat and repel their enemy outside of Switzerland and eastern France and possibly seize for themselves the territories neighbouring their realm.
Morat 1476 is played in 24 turns, each representing two months, between Spring 1474 and Winter 1477.
Two players, Duchy of Burgundy and the Swiss Confederation, are facing each other in the Wars of Burgundy, at the end of the Middle Ages.
- Charles the Bold’s Burgundians dream to create a unified realm in the middle of Europe, with the help of their small but balanced army, made of Gendarme knights, English archers and canons, as well as the alliance of Savoy and Italy.
- The Swiss Confederation has almost no cavalry but their numerous pikemen and halberd are fearful and they can create an alliance with Lorraine and the Empire to humble Charles the Bold and his ambitions!
The game’s event cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that they create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.
Average playtime: 2h00
Favored side: none
Most difficult to play: Burgundy