Дополнение Zombidle - Starter Pack для Zombidle: REMONSTERED

Дата выхода: 08.11.2017
259.00 RUB

Описание Zombidle - Starter Pack

Need to get BADDER, FASTER? The Starter pack will help you get started (duh) like a rockstar, get some massive boost to whatever you are doing and on top of it, gallons of diamonds and bloodstones.


  • x2 Skull drop. (+1 green shards)
  • x2 DPS boost (+1 yellow shards)
  • Awesome deal on diamonds (+200 diamonds)
  • A bucket full of bloodstones for good measure (+50 bloodstones)
  • Exclusive fancy hat

Скриншоты Zombidle - Starter Pack

Скриншот из Zombidle - Starter Pack