Скачать Bouncy Cat на Windows, Mac, Linux

Жанры: Гонки
Дата выхода: 22.11.2020
259.00 25.00 RUB

Описание Bouncy Cat

Bouncy Cat is hungry for fish and wants to play with yarn.
Bounce and shrink across 60 levels to help him achieve his dreams.
Collect Yarn to obtain stylish hats.
Each level has 5 objectives, enhancing replayability.
A game that's perfect for speedrunners.


Grow: Left Click/Space

Shrink: Right Click/Shift

Camera: Mouse Movement

Movement: WASD

Reset: R

Menu: Escape

Level Objectives

1. Beat level by collecting the fish

2. Beat the level and collect the yarn

3. Beat the level under the par time

4. Beat the level under the par time and collect the yarn

5. Beat the expert time

Скриншоты Bouncy Cat

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Скриншот из Bouncy Cat
Скриншот из Bouncy Cat
Скриншот из Bouncy Cat
Скриншот из Bouncy Cat
Скриншот из Bouncy Cat