Дополнение Zombidle - Juicy Beast Pack для Zombidle: REMONSTERED
Описание Zombidle - Juicy Beast Pack
Missed Bob's vacation? No need to fret, we got you my dude! With this Juicy pack you can acquire all the items you may have missed from that event, and we'll even top it off with a truckload of currencies and a few shards to sweeten the pot, how does that sound? Good? good. Glad we both feel the same way, oh btw you get an exclusive hat too, SURPRISE.
- x4 Skull drop. (+2 green shards)
- x4 DPS boost (+2 yellow shards)
- Best deal on diamonds (+500 diamonds)
- A truck full of bloodstones for good measure (+75 bloodstones)
- Exclusive Juicy hat
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Скачать Zombidle - Juicy Beast Pack (ссылка 100% рабочая)(* для скачивания пробудьте на сайте более 30 секунд и нужно кое-что сделать, иначе ссылка не заработает. )