Скачать Gateball VR на Windows

Жанры: Спорт
Дата выхода: 04.06.2020
30.00 RUB

Описание Gateball VR

Realize outdoor gateball sports in VR!

Easy game play for all ages, old, middle, young, and minor

4 stages of realistic outdoor scenes (park day / night, beach day / night)

Play from 1 to 5 players on a single device

It is easy to experience the gate ball, which is known to be effective in preventing dementia and depression in the elderly, through VR.

Скриншоты Gateball VR

Скриншот из Gateball VR
Скриншот из Gateball VR
Скриншот из Gateball VR
Скриншот из Gateball VR
Скриншот из Gateball VR