Скачать Hooplord на Windows

Жанры: Спорт
Дата выхода: 09.04.2020
175.00 RUB

Описание Hooplord

Hooplord is a labor of love that combines boss battles and basketball into a hybrid VR experience that's unlike anything you've ever seen or played before.

Inside of an enchanted forest, you find yourself on an ancient basketball court in the midst of a forbidden ruin.

The Basketball Gods look down on you, a mere Hooplord, and extend their sacred challenge:

Face the Elemental Centers in a series of fatal one-on-one duels: a clash between their impregnable defenses versus your godlike offense.

Glory awaits should you defeat all three guardians, and manage to evade death in the process.

Скриншоты Hooplord

Скриншот из Hooplord
Скриншот из Hooplord
Скриншот из Hooplord
Скриншот из Hooplord
Скриншот из Hooplord