Скачать NeonFlight на Windows

Жанры: Спорт
Дата выхода: 26.02.2020
30.00 RUB

Описание NeonFlight


NeonFlight is an endless-scrolling arcade game in which the player controls his character via his mouse to avoid rapidly approaching obstacles. Your ultimate goal is to beat your highscore and improve your skills.
Can you also beat your friend's score?!
NeonFlight gives the player the sense of speed he wanted for a long time. Improve your reaction time by playing over and over. The random generated level will change every time and will prevent you from boring yourself to death.

So get yourself NeonFlight for half the price of a coffee-to-go and jump into an accelerating neon color race against yourself!

Скриншоты NeonFlight

Скриншот из NeonFlight
Скриншот из NeonFlight
Скриншот из NeonFlight
Скриншот из NeonFlight
Скриншот из NeonFlight