Дополнение Ship Simulator Extremes Ferry DLC для Ship Simulator Extremes
Описание Ship Simulator Extremes Ferry DLC
Experience the responsibility of a ferry captain as you take the rudder of different ferry types on some of the most popular routes in the world in this add-on pack for Ship Simulator Extremes. Whether it carries cars & cargo in its belly across the channel or is used as a municipal public transportation service, going on the ferry is always a bit of an adventure!
Many of the world's capital cities have local ferry services, providing an indispensable and affordable link for its residents. The Ferry Pack brings 5 new ferries, a brand new player campaign with 10 missions and new ferry specific gameplay features to Ship Simulator Extremes, adding many hours of gameplay for all virtual captains!
Key Features
- 5 new Ferry types (Fast, Channel, River, etc.) available in Campaign, Free Roam and Multiplayer mode.
- Ferry specific gameplay: Ferry ramp & door opening for loading/unloading, Directional switch for two-ender ferries, etc.
- New Ferry campaign featuring 10 missions all over the world
- Ferry mission functionality added to the Mission Editor, allowing for creation and sharing of Ferry specific missions
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