Дополнение Wars Across the World: Mali 2012 для Wars Across The World
Описание Wars Across the World: Mali 2012

Mali 2012 relates to rise of AQMI among the Tuareg rebellion and the efforts of Mali and France to counter them.
The Islamic rebels must capture the urban centers of Mali and march on its capital Bamako to upset its government.
Malian forces must hold till the French army shows up to the rescue, then they shall try to crush the enemy.
Mali 2012 lasts 16 turns each representing about 1 month between February 2012 and May 2013. It opposes the Malian state and its French and Chadian allies to the Islamist and Tuareg rebels in Mali.
- Forces are symmetrical, as Malian units are weak but the French forces extremely powerful.
- The Rebel side may use the ability to be hidden in a large part of the map to strike unexpectedly.
The French intervention level is essential as it allows the Malians to get the Franco Chadians reinforcements into play.
The game event cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that their create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.
Estimated Playtime: 1h30
Favored Side: none
Hardest to Play: none.