Дополнение Wars Across the World: Six Days 1967 для Wars Across The World
Описание Wars Across the World: Six Days 1967

Six Days 1967 is a simulation of the six-days war between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
Israeli forces must launch a lightning offensive to capture the Sinaï and Cisjordania before the Arab armies can become operational.
The Arab coalition, with Egypt, Jordan and then Syria must hold on to their position and try to push the USSR to intervene.
Six Days 1967 lasts 12 turns each representing about half a day between the 5th and the 10th of June, 1967. It pits the Israeli versus the Arab coalition in the Near-East (Egypt, Jordan, Syria). Forces of both sides have nothing in common.
- Israel has powerful tank and air force, and holds the initiative.
- The Arabs have little but their number and the power to bear on international opinion to stop the conflict quickly.
The Soviet intervention level is essential as it will means an abrupt end to the game if too high.
The game event cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that their create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.
Estimated Playtime: 1h30
Favored Side: none
Hardest to Play: none.