Скачать Oneiric Sculptures - Rodin на Windows

Дата выхода: 20.09.2016
30.00 RUB

Описание Oneiric Sculptures - Rodin

Oneiric sculptures for HTC Vive.
The new way to visit museums thanks to VR. Oneiric Sculptures invite you in Rodin's universe with ultra realistic graphics.


_Touch + Trigger on info points to see the descriptions
_Trackpad to teleport

Скриншоты Oneiric Sculptures - Rodin

Скриншот из Oneiric Sculptures - Rodin
Скриншот из Oneiric Sculptures - Rodin
Скриншот из Oneiric Sculptures - Rodin
Скриншот из Oneiric Sculptures - Rodin
Скриншот из Oneiric Sculptures - Rodin