Скачать Volleying на Windows, Linux

Дата выхода: 15.05.2018
42.00 RUB

Описание Volleying

Volleying is a physics-based game where the objective is to control a sphere throughout the court and make the ball touch the ground of your opponent side.

There are simple rules:

  • After your first touch, you must return the ball in 10 seconds, or it will explode, and you'll lose!
  • While jumping, you can use a small dash in either direction, or up. But remember it takes 5 seconds to load again.

In the arcade mode, there are items you can collect to temporarily change the size of the spheres, bringing funny situations to the game.

Play with your friends

You can play 1 x 1, 1 x 2 or 2 x 2. There's also a coop mode where you can test your skills against CPU with a friend.

Скриншоты Volleying

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