Скачать MicroRC Simulation на Windows

Дата выхода: 15.12.2015
59.00 RUB

Описание MicroRC Simulation

MicroRC Simulation is a driving simulator for radio-controlled toy cars.
You must practise to learn the different tracks and conquer the
podium.This is not an arcade game, as practise is required to win the
The A.I. doesn't follow a predefined path, but reads the track in real time.
Get in game experience to unlock the accessories that will help you to
win against highly skilled competitives.

Скриншоты MicroRC Simulation

Скриншот из MicroRC Simulation
Скриншот из MicroRC Simulation
Скриншот из MicroRC Simulation
Скриншот из MicroRC Simulation
Скриншот из MicroRC Simulation
Скриншот из MicroRC Simulation
Скриншот из MicroRC Simulation
Скриншот из MicroRC Simulation