Дополнение Fable Anniversary - Heroes and Villains Content Pack для Fable Anniversary

Описание Fable Anniversary - Heroes and Villains Content Pack
This additional content pack contains 11 full outfits, 14 weapons and the Lion's Head Helmet.
The Guildmaster is renowned for owning multiple outfits that all look the same. The more fashion conscious Hero would baulk at even the thought of this, although the saving grace is having a Guild icon tattooed on your forehead. That's real fashion.
Obsidian Armour
After years of using Obsidian for weapons, one entrepreneurial Blacksmith known as Smithy decided to craft armour with the material instead. This is the prototype that he created, and due to an unfortunate encounter with a Rock Troll was never able to see his work finished.Blacksmithy's Bludgeoner
This weapon was crafted in honour of the late Smithy the Obsidian Blacksmith, made out of the very Rock Troll that brought his life to an early end.Leather Armour Suit
The flexibility of a Leather Suit combined with the protection offered by a piece of armour, this outfit was tailored to meet the demands of the more lightweight and nimble Hero.Axel the Axe
Legend tells it that a rivalry between two Blacksmith's culminated in two axes being crafted; Ronok the Axe being the most famous, but Axel the Axe being the more powerful. When trying to settle the dispute, both Blacksmith's ended up delivering simultaneous fatal blows to each other with their own axes. The world lost two great weapon architects, but gained two incredible weapons.Aeon's Armour
Said to have been carved aeon's before the Old Kingdom, and that it was the template used by the Archon's for their Battle Armour. Its original name is unknown, being refered to only by its age instead.Sophia's Sword
Carved from pure platinum and imbued with the wisdom of a hundred gods, this is one of the most durable weapons in all of Albion.Minion Fancy Dress Outfit
Wear this to make those around you run in terror! Important Note: this outfit has been unsuccessfully tested on a real Minion, and it does not have the same affect.Lion's Head Helmet
Have you ever hoped for a way of keeping a big ego in check? Hope no more, for the Lion’s Head helmet is proven to tame even the most eccentric of egos! Please bare in mind; this will tame the ego, not the tongue.Wasp Outfit
Created by a tailor with a wasp infestation in his home, he wanted to use this outfit as a way to fool the wasps into thinking that he was their new Queen. Long story short; it didn't work.Wardog's Sword
In a fight between a Minion and a Balverine observed by wandering Traders in Witchwood, it would appear that the Balverine sliced straight through the Minions weapon leaving behind this wonderful piece of weaponry that has since been refined into a single sword.The Buzzaxe
A Wasp was found in Greatwood impaled to a fence and found by a wandering beggar. As beggars can't be choosers, he took this weapon and made it his own.Hobbecaster
The Hobbe Spellcaster's favourite weapon, this example was found by a wandering Trader in Darkwood and then immediately lost it to a game of Blackjack.Weapon Of the Damned
A Summoner's weapon of choice, this beast is said to be able to cut through flesh from over 6 feet away. You wouldn't want to be the poor sod to test that theory though would you.Undead Axe
How can an Axe be Undead, you ask? We don't have the answers to that, but we can guarantee that it can create new Undead by removing the living.Pre-owned Thunder Outfit
The story is told that damage was done to this outfit in a sparring battle with Whisper, although the last man to suggest such a thing didn’t live in Bowerstone for much longer. Lady Grey saw to that.Guildmaster's Spare Outfit
The Guildmaster is renowned for owning multiple outfits that all look the same. The more fashion conscious Hero would baulk at even the thought of this, although the saving grace is having a Guild icon tattooed on your forehead. That's real fashion.