Скачать Derrick the Deathfin на Windows, Mac, Linux

Жанры: Инди
Дата выхода: 16.06.2014
189.00 RUB

Описание Derrick the Deathfin

Enter an irreverent aquatic world full of paper, goofy fish, paper, arcade action, paper, wanton destruction, and paper.*

Join Derrick on his epic quest to decimate everything he sees under the guise of avenging the death of his parents!

Munch your way through birds, fish, rabbits and bears! Collect diamonds and leap through flaming tyres to prosper and survive! Decimate man-made structures in an orgy of rigid destruction!

Race against your metabolism! Race against the clock! Race against the sock!**

Battle your way through 32 punishing levels set over 11 vibrant environments and 4 sub-continents! 4! Sub-continents!

* there is also a bit of cardboard included for those that way inclined.
** no actual socks are provided for competitive racing in-game.

Скриншоты Derrick the Deathfin

Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin
Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin
Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin
Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin
Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin
Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin
Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin
Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin
Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin
Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin
Скриншот из Derrick the Deathfin