Скачать Gos Castle Runner на Windows

Жанры: Гонки
Дата выхода: 11.06.2021
30.00 22.00 RUB

Описание Gos Castle Runner

The Game Contains:

- 14 normal levels (1 to 14).
- 14 hard levels (1 to 14).
- 14 very hard levels (1 to 14).
- 14 extreme levels (1 to 14).
- Purchase level mode in normal and hard (1 to 14).
- Progress level mode in very hard and extreme (1 to 14).
- Dark Levels.
- Time Levels.

The game reuses the levels with less time, life(5, 3 and 1) and more obstacles.
The game has 56 levels in all.

Скриншоты Gos Castle Runner

Скриншот из Gos Castle Runner
Скриншот из Gos Castle Runner
Скриншот из Gos Castle Runner
Скриншот из Gos Castle Runner
Скриншот из Gos Castle Runner