Скачать Hextones на Windows

Жанры: Стратегии
Дата выхода: 05.04.2021
42.00 31.00 RUB

Описание Hextones

Connect the Hextones and jump light-years in the Spacetime to be the great cosmic explorer.

A challenging puzzle game based on classics like solitaire and mahjong genres. There are 25 unique Hextones formed by a combination of colors and symbols, and a total of 100 Hextones to be placed onto the grid.

  • 5 colors (Red, Gree, Blue, Yellow, Purple)
  • 5 symbols (Time, Space, Distance, Eternity, Thought)
  • 6 possible connections at a time
  • 5 connections bonus with increasing tiers

Place the Hextone onto the grid by connecting one or more of its sides to one or more Hextones already placed on the grid.
As more connections in a move, more fuel to the quantum engine, but don't forget to complete the current Tier to increase the connections bonus.

Скриншоты Hextones

Скриншот из Hextones
Скриншот из Hextones
Скриншот из Hextones
Скриншот из Hextones
Скриншот из Hextones